What is Face Lift?

Face Lift Surgery & Rhytidectomy can change your look youthful and attractive despite your age, it can give you the looks of 20’s teen when you’re at your 40’s men or women.

To redefine facial contour and get back youthful appearance thread lift is a safe alternative to traditional  It is also referred to as ‘lunch hour lift’. This procedure reduces sagging around jawline, cheeks and neck. It lifts drooping eyebrows and deep nasolabial folds. Instead of dramatic results, thread lift provides subtle and modest changes.The recovery time is very less, the outcome is immediate, and even the cost is reasonable. It reshapes the lower half of the face by removing excess facial skin.

Rhytidectomy can tighten loose, hanging skin around the jaw line, also known as “jowls.” It can also remove deep creases around the mouth and nose, and excess, hanging skin and fat under the chin and in the neck. The procedure can also tighten the underlying tissues, and it may be combined with surgery to enhance the forehead, cheeks, brows, and eyelids.In the United States, 107,261  women and 13,702 men had surgery for a facelift in 2016. Among men, it was the fifth most common type of aesthetic surgery.

Why it’s done

As you get older, the appearance and shape of your face is altered because of normal age-related changes. Your skin becomes less elastic and looser, and fat deposits decrease in some areas of your face and increase in others. Age-related changes in your face that may be reduced with a face-lift include the following:

  • Sagging appearance of your cheeks
  • Excess skin at your lower jawline (jowls)
  • Deepening of the fold of skin from the side of your nose to the corner of your mouth
  • Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck (if the procedure includes a neck lift)

A face-lift isn’t a treatment for superficial wrinkles, sun damage, creases around the nose and upper lip, or irregularities in skin color.

An aging face and sagging skin can really sap the confidence that we have about our looks. But these signs and symptoms of aging are inevitable even though they are unwelcome. Modern day techniques of skin tightening have made it possible to turn the clock backwards helping us to regain the youthful skin that does wonders to the ego. With a facelift you can boost your self-esteem and defy age.

Who is the Best Candidates for Facelift Surgery ?

Facelift surgery can be an effective way to improve appearance and boost self-confidence, but it is not for everyone. Some patients might find that they can achieve their cosmetic goals with a non-invasive procedure, such as a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. Others may be happier with their results if they combine facelift surgery with other procedures, such as a neck lift or forehead lift (also known as a brow lift). Patients who understand both the possibilities and limitations of facelift surgery tend to be more pleased with their results.

The best facelift candidates have realistic expectations and are willing and able to follow the pre- and post-operative instructions provided by their plastic surgeons. After a one-on-one consultation, the doctor can advise a patient as to whether he or she is a good candidate for a facelift, or whether an alternate procedure might be preferable.

Ideal candidates for facelift surgery share certain important traits. The following is a list of factors that can affect whether or not an individual is a good candidate for facelift surgery:

  • Skin elasticity : A good facelift candidate will have skin that retains some of its natural suppleness and flexibility. This is important because, during the procedure, the surgeon tightens the facial skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Successful healing with optimal results depends on having skin that is able to conform to its new, improved contours.
  • Strong bone structure : Ideally, a facelift candidate will have a well-defined underlying bone structure to provide support and contribute to satisfying results. Patients with less distinct features may benefit from facial implants as an alternative or addition to a facelift.
  • Realistic expectations : A candidate should understand not only what facelifts can accomplish, but also the limitations of facial plastic surgery procedures. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon can help a patient obtain the information needed to make the right decision about surgery.
  • Good overall health : A good facelift candidate will be generally healthy and will inform his or her surgeon of any preexisting medical conditions well in advance. A facelift is an invasive procedure that requires significant healing and recovery, so it is essential that the patient be physically prepared for surgery.
  • Loose skin on the face or neck : Facelift candidates typically want to remove excess skin from the face or neck, tightening skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles simultaneously. The surgeon trims the loose skin during the procedure.

Facelift Surgery for Men

Facelift surgery isn’t just for women. Men can also turn to rhytidectomy to erase the signs of aging and achieve a younger, rejuvenated look. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that over a 5-year period beginning in 2010, face lifts for men have increased by 44 percent. The steps of the procedure are typically the same for both sexes, and both men and women can enjoy outstanding cosmetic results.

Treatment Options available for Face Lift

1. Facelift (rhytidectomy)

Face lift is a skin tightening surgery that fixes sagging skin by tightening of the tissues and muscles in the face areas. The surgery lifts the skin and repositions it. The result is skin tightening. Any excess skin is moved to prevent further sagginess. There are three face lift areas lower and middle face lift that takes care of those areas, and a mini face lift that is just enough to clear lines and sagginess without being too invasive.

Facelift (rhytidectomy) Benefits Are Well Known to Outweigh the Risks

  • Appearance. Your new look will be much better
  • No more loose skin which also allows for no more fat deposits
  • Everlasting effects
  • Looking better makes you feel better and could enhance the day to day quality of your life.

2. Filler Injections

Also known as dermal fillers, injections help to fill in the appearance of lines and wrinkles. They can also plump up the skin, giving a more youthful look and reducing any sagging or hollowness. As Temple explains, “Fillers such a Juvéderm are packed with hyaluronic acid, which adds volume to desired areas of the face in order to lift cheeks, smooth parentheses lines or plump the lips.” The results, she notes, are both subtle and long-lasting.

 3 . Ultherapy

Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology and is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts, tones, and tightens the skin. As a practitioner, Temple appreciates the precision of the method, that it allows her “to see the layers of tissue targeted during the treatment to ensure the energy is deposited where it will be most beneficial.” The treatment can be highly effective, she says, “jump-starting a natural process to produce fresh, new collagen.”

4. Micro-Current Toning

Commonly described as “facial toning,” micro-current is Temple’s specialty at Inderma Studio. It is her preferred procedure for non-surgical facelifts, she says, “due to the dramatic lifting effect that micro-current has on facial muscles and facial contours.”

Micro current instantly plumps out deep lines and wrinkles, promoting skin healing as well as collagen and elastin production. During the procedure, all 32 facial muscles are “physically manipulated using soft cotton tipped wands (probes) that transmit the mild electrical impulses.” The treatment is pain-free, she adds, and offers instant gratification.

 5. Cryolift

This procedure is brand-new and Temple is already a fan. Cryolift, she explains, “delivers hyaluronic acid and CO2 to the skin directly, lowering the skin’s temperature, causing surface blood to rush (true oxygenation) and wrapping the contracting and expanding pores around the hyaluronic acid.” It treats dehydration and reduces inflammation, giving an overall glow. Ideal for all skin types, she notes, there is zero downtime and instant results.

 6. Lasers

Collagen-producing lasers penetrate the skin deeply, at the layer of restructuring. They work, Temple explains, by gently heating the collagen under the surface of the skin. This expands the collagen, tightens the skin and shrinks broken capillaries. In her experience, this method has less of an impact than other treatments.

Treatment options for Facelift are

1.Traditional Full Facelift

A full facelift offers the most comprehensive results. With this procedure, the doctor can address deep creases below the eyes, sagging around the cheeks, lines around the mouth, excess fat and skin under the chin, jowls, and more. Because it targets a larger area, the treatment requires a longer incision. It usually runs along the temple, around the ear, and down to the neck, as described above. Full facelifts can address more dramatic signs of aging, and, thus, they are popular among patients in their 50’s and 60’s.

2.Mid Facelift

During a mid facelift, a surgeon can lift and tighten the tissues below the eyes and around the cheeks. To perform this procedure the doctor will create incisions that are similar to those used in a traditional facelift, but they will typically be deeper. This technique allows him to lift the muscles that are normally untouched by a traditional facelift. He may also use fat grafting or facial implants to enhance contours and create more defined cheekbones. Because this procedure does not address all the signs of aging, it is often suitable for men and women in their 30’s and 40’s who are simply looking to rejuvenate their appearance.

3.Mini Facelift

Mini facelifts involve smaller incisions and a shorter recovery time, which is why this procedure is sometimes referred to as a “weekend facelift.” As with the mid facelift, this surgery targets a smaller area, primarily treating the jaw, lower cheeks, and neck. The doctor will usually locate the incisions along the hairline and behind the ear. Through these incisions, the doctor will lift the muscles, remove fat unwanted fat deposits, and eliminate excess skin. Many surgeons perform mini facelifts using endoscopic techniques. Like mid facelifts, this procedure is common among somewhat younger patients who are showing the first signs of aging.

4.Lower Facelift

As the name implies, lower facelifts target the bottom third of the face. This procedure can be an excellent way to eliminate jowls, reduce deep nasolabial folds, lift the sagging corners of the mouth, and enhance the jaw. The procedure itself is similar to other types of facelifts, and the doctor will create incisions along the patient’s ears and hairline. Lower facelifts are suitable for patients of all ages who want to decrease the signs of aging and enjoy a more youthful appearance.

5.Thread Facelift

Thread facelifts are a quick, minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelifts. During this procedure, a surgeon will create tiny stitches just below the skin to lift the underlying muscles. This procedure can often be performed without anesthesia and leaves no visible scars. Because the entire treatment takes about one to two hours, it is sometimes referred to as a “lunchtime lift.” This treatment is most suitable for patients in their 30’s and 40’s who simply want to make minor adjustments to their appearance.

6.Face Lift Technique

Traditional facelifts and its variations can be performed using several different surgical tools and incision patterns. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, which a doctor can explain during the initial consultation. Ultimately, the optimal procedure and technique will be different for each person.

7.Endoscopic Facelift

Many surgeons use endoscopic technology to perform all types of facelifts. An endoscope is a microscopic camera, attached to a small, handheld wand. To perform an endoscopic facelift, a doctor will create three smaller incisions, each an inch long or less. She will then insert the endoscope through one incision to obtain a clear view of the underlying facial structure. Through other two incisions, she will use tiny surgical instruments to lift the muscles and remove excess tissue. Endoscopic facelifts are typically best when patients want to address drooping muscles and misplaced fat, but they do not have a large amount of excess skin.
Endoscopic techniques are especially useful in mid and lower facelifts, since these procedures target smaller areas that are harder to access with traditional surgical instruments. Additionally, because the incisions are smaller, patients who choose endoscopic techniques usually enjoy a faster recovery time.

8.Cutaneous Facelift

The oldest type of facelift, this technique only addresses sagging and excess skin. The surgeon will create a long incision, running along the hairline. Via this incision, she will gently lift the skin and suture it higher up in place. Because this procedure does not affect the muscular structure, it carries a reduced risk for nerve damage and other complications. However, the results do not last as long, and many experts believe they do not look as natural. Often cutaneous facelifts can leave patients with a stretched or “windswept” look.

9.SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) Facelift

Today, the cutaneous facelift has been nearly eliminated by the more comprehensive SMAS facelift. In fact, when people hear the word “facelift,” they almost always think of this procedure. During the SMAS facelift, the doctor will lift and tighten the underlying muscle structure to improve facial contours and achieve an overall more youthful appearance. Although the doctor will also eliminate extra skin, this treatment offers more far reaching and natural results than early forms of the facelift.


During an S-lift, a doctor will create S-shaped incisions in front of the ears. Because these incisions are smaller than those used in traditional facelift surgery, recovery time is shorter, and costs are often lower. However, this procedure does not offer results that are as dramatic as those in traditional facelifts. S-lifts are most suitable for treating the jaw and lower face.

11.Deep Plane Lift

During a deep plane lift, a surgeon will work on the layers of tissues below the SMAS layer. Instead of separating the muscles and lifting them separately, the doctor will lift the entire facial structure as a single unit. Deep plane lifts are especially effective in treating the mid face, including deep nasolabial folds. However, this technique does involve more risks, especially to the facial nerves. Therefore, there are relatively few doctors equipped to perform this procedure.

12.Subperiosteal Facelift

Subperiosteal facelifts go even deeper than deep plane lifts, although both procedures address sagging in the mid face. This procedure targets the tissues just above the facial bones, through incisions below the lower lash line or inside the mouth. While deep plane lifts are relatively specialized procedures, there are even fewer surgeons who offer the subperiosteal facelift.


Often facelift surgery procedures can be performed using local anesthesia. This gives patients the option of remaining relatively alert during their facelift, although general anesthesia is always an option. During more intensive procedures, general anesthesia may be required. In many cases, the length of a patient’s facelift surgery determines whether local or general anesthesia will be used. Since many of the complications associated with facelift procedures result from negative reactions to anesthesia, patients should discuss possible facelift risks with their cosmetic surgeon.

Week One
During the first week after a facelift, patients should focus on recovery and avoid strenuous activities. However, they should avoid being overly sedentary; taking a walk around the room every few hours will stimulate blood flow and prevent blood clots. Typically, patients will return 5 to 7 days after their surgery to have their stitches removed. There are several other steps that individuals can take to minimize discomfort and promote healing. In addition to following specific instruction from their surgeons, patients should:

  • Wear bandages and change them regularly
  • Clean and care for drainage tubes, as instructed
  • Return for a post-surgery follow-up and to have the drainage tubes removed
  • Avoid getting their faces wet
  • Use cool compresses on their eyes

Subsequent Weeks

Swelling and bruising may persist for several weeks after a facelift, but as recovery progresses, patients will begin to see the results of their facelifts. Most people feel good enough to go out about two weeks after their surgery. Nevertheless, patients will still have some restrictions and they should carefully follow their doctor’s directions. In particular, they should:

  • Sleep with their heads elevated for the first two weeks after surgery
  • Avoid lifting and other strenuous activity until recovery is far enough along
  • Keep away from saunas, hot tubs, and pools
  • Avoid alcohol, aspirin, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories until otherwise instructed by a doctor
  • Not wear makeup until the doctor gives approval

Full Recovery

In the weeks and months following a facelift, patients should attend all follow up appointments with their surgeons. They should also carefully monitor their progress and alert their doctors if they notice the signs of post-surgical complications. It may take several weeks for patients to see the final results of their facelifts. Nevertheless, as recovery progresses and swelling subsides, patients should begin to enjoy a younger, more alert appearance.


Skin type and age influence facelift results, so individuals who are interested in facelift surgery should meet with a qualified cosmetic or plastic surgeon to discuss appropriate expectations. Skin will continue to age after the procedure. Patients should also realize that some facelift scarring is unavoidable following the procedure, although the surgeon will strive to make it as inconspicuous as possible.

Long-term Results

Though a facelift is not a permanent solution to aging, it can set back the clock by several years. Once the swelling has gone down and your face has finished healing, you will have a chance to fully appreciate your facelift results. The goal of facelift surgery is to rejuvenate the face and give it a fresher appearance.

Managing Expectations

Some patients may struggle with disappointment or depression immediately following facelift surgery, because the positive results often take several weeks to become noticeable. Bruising, puffiness, and other negative temporary side effects associated with facelift surgery may initially mask the effects of the procedure, and can make the recovery period very trying on the patient. After one or two weeks, makeup can be used to conceal skin discoloration. The worst swelling should subside within 12 to 14 days, but skin dryness may persist for several months. Scars will fade somewhat as time passes. Most patients will begin to notice the improvement in their appearance and see the facelift results after about three weeks.


The benefits of facelift surgery continue to expand as the procedure becomes more comprehensive and complex. Today, the procedure has an unparalleled ability to restore a patient’s youthful appearance.

Turning Back the Clock

When properly performed, facelift surgery turns back the clock, firming up muscle tone, smoothing the skin, and restoring an attractive facial contour. Facelift surgery is not designed to make a person look like someone else, but to make that person look and feel years younger.

Repairing Loose, Sagging Skin

Facelift surgery is best-known for tightening loose, sagging skin that has begun to droop with age. By removing these extra tissues, a surgeon can address jowls, turkey wattles, drooping skin around the eyes, and an overall aged appearance. Although this component of facelift surgery remains an important part of the procedure, surgeons have realized that this tightening works best (and looks more natural) when the face’s underlying structures are also restored to a youthful configuration.

Improving Facial Contour

Unlike older, less sophisticated facelift techniques, which only tightened superficial facial skin, today’s techniques also address the underlying structures of the face, the Sub-Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS). Cheek fat and other structures of the face sag downward with age, as skin loses elasticity and becomes lax. Today’s surgeons first rearrange these underlying structures into a more youthful configuration before addressing the superficial layer of the face. Doing so puts less tension on the skin and helps the facelift last longer. Therefore, one of the benefits of contemporary facelift procedures is the restoration of a youthful configuration to your face’s muscles, fat, and connective tissue.

Gone are the days of an unnatural, pulled facial contour after facelift surgery. Today’s surgeons precisely rearrange the underlying structures of the face to restore a lasting and attractive facial contour. In addition, a facelift can be combined with facial liposuction to further address jowls, a fleshy neck, and other areas.